Open Access is a model of scientific communication, which provides durable, immediate, independent and free online full text disclosure of published scientific results (most often articles) without restrictions for anybody (source:
Publishing of articles in the Open Access mode is presently required by a number of research funding grant agencies (for example Horizon 2020).
Advantages of Open Access publishing for authors are:
- better publication visibility and thus more readers
- easier transfer of results into practice
- higher citation response
There are three most frequent versions of open access:
Green way
Storing of the selected form of the article (preprint, postprint) in a professional or institutional repository
+ Quick, simple way
- If the article is simultaneously published in a journal, it is necessary to adapt to the conditions of the publisher.
Open access policies of particular publishers it is possible to find in the database Sherpa/Romeo.
Golden way
Publishing in a journal, which provides open access. It is necessary to pay the publication fee APC (Article Processing Charge), from which the operation of the publisher is being financed. Besides purely open journals there are also hybrid journals, which offer to authors a possibility to choose publishing in open or closed access.
+ Ordinary review procedure
+ Availability on the publisher’s server
- Necessity to obtain financial funds for the APC (inclusion in the grant application, use of special funds, …)
- Risk of predatory journals
Platinum (sometimes also Diamaond) way
Publishing in a journal, which provides open access. It is not necessary to pay publication fees, the operation of the publisher is being financed for example by any institution.
+ Ordinary review procedure
+ Availability on the publisher’s server
+ Without necessity to pay the APC
Journals for open access publishing are equal to ordinary journals regarding its quality. They have impact factor and they are traceable in databases like Web of Science or Scopus. Open access absolutely does not influence the course or the quality of the review procedure.