E-knihy na platformě Cambridge Core

Přehled trvale nakoupených e-knih z oboru přírodních věd na platformě Cambridge Core. Nejčtenější e-knihy byly vybrány na základě nákupního modelu EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition) když jsme ve druhé polovině roku 2022 po dobu šesti měsíců zpřístupnili volně tisíce e-knih. 

A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit-Trees
Advances in Irrigation Agronomy
An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Artificial Intelligence and Conservation
Biological Control
Biological Invasions and Animal Behaviour
Bird Nests and Construction Behaviour
Birds and Habitat
Cephalopod Behaviour
Cryptic Species
Data-Driven Computational Neuroscience
Deep Learning
Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds
Economic Botany
Invasion Biology and Ecological Theory
Microbiomes of Soils, Plants and Animals
Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics
Soil Carbon Dynamics
Soil Fauna Assemblages
Soils and the Environment
Structural Information Theory
Studying Primates
The Abridgement of the Gardener's Dictionary
The Ape that Understood the Universe
The Biology of Apples and Pears
The Biology of Vines
The Book of Garden Management
The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science
The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology
The Ecology of Intercropping
The Fruit Manual
The Humble-Bee
The Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture of the Late Humphry Repton, Esq.
The Neuroscience of Suicidal Behavior
The Parks, Promenades and Gardens of Paris
The Theory of Horticulture
Vegetation Dynamics

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