
Přehled zakoupených titulů, které jsou dostupné na platformě Emerald:

Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 23
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 24
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 25
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 27
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 28
Gender in an Urban World: Volume 9
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 31
Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Volume 32
Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape: Volume 36
Everyday Life in the Segmented City: Volume 11
The Sociological Inheritance of the 1960s: Historical Reflections on a Decade of Changing Thought
An International Feminist Challenge to Theory: Volume 5
Social Psychology of Gender: Volume 24
Interactions and Intersections of Gendered Bodies at Work, at Home, and at Play: Volume 14
Symbolic Interaction and New Social Media
Gender Inequality in Metal Music Production
Structure and Social Action
Agri-Food 4.0: Volume 27
The Academic Language of Climate Change: An Introduction for Students and Non-native Speakers
Smart Cities for Sustainability: Volume 32
Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Systems and Sustainable Development
The Impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education
Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Czechia
Digital Influence on Consumer Habits: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities
Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies

Další články v rubrice

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